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This page responds to the not-so-new but increasingly common idea that the cool Internet we once knew is over. See "Dead Internet theory", "Why the Internet Isn't Fun Anymore" and other evergreens
Internet is not dead
Sites are born, sites die, but internet doesn't die
Just because a lot of sites are dead or broken doesn't mean internet is dead.
A decentralized internet still exists.
A free internet still exists.
An internet of weird little sites linked together still exists
Internet isn't dead, internet is polluted.
Advertising pollutes internet.
Generative AI pollutes internet.
Capitalism pollutes internet.
But unpolluted corners of internet do exist.
Internet will survive
Search engines will die.
Social networks will die.
Capitalism, patriarchy and imperialism will fall.
But as long as there will be two computers connected by a wire somewhere, internet will survive.
You make the internet
You're nostalgic for a time when you played in a wasteland with your friends.
Sadly, today a shopping mall has been built in its place.
The good news is, you don't have to stay in the mall.
In fact, there are little wastelands everywhere where you can venture out and build tree houses.